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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: ['geɪmli] 英式发音: ['geɪmli]







1.顽强勇敢地;勇于承担地in a way that seems brave, although a lot of effort is involved

She tried gamely to finish the race.她顽强地努力跑完比赛。


1.不屈地 gamelicence 狩猎许可证[执照] gamely 不屈地, 勇敢地 gamene 茜草 ...

2.勇敢地 gamelicence 狩猎许可证[执照] gamely 不屈地, 勇敢地 gamene 茜草 ...

3.雄赳赳地 ... 雄赳赳 valiantly 雄赳赳地 gamely 雄辩 eloquent ...


5.顺达当前位置:首页 > 本册表单 > 本薄 > 线圈本 > 顺达(gamely)B5/40页线圈本 订购热线 4008000822 客户服务热线 4008000822 …


1.But he gamely tries to widen his focus to include at least a bit of the British viewpoint.不过,他大胆尝试拓宽视角,至少融入了一点英国人的视角。

2.Obama smiled gamely; if he felt Silva was rubbing it in a bit, he didn't let on.奥巴马努力保持微笑,如果他认为席尔瓦是讽刺这一点,他不会表现出来。

3."I know Steve, and I don't need to see a play to know him, " Cook gamely replied.“我很了解史蒂夫,所以不需要看这部剧来了解他,”库克坚定的回答。

4.Here he is in a festive scene at a park, gamely wearing a red fleece and a Santa Claus hat.这里,他大胆地穿一件红色的羊毛衫和一顶圣诞老人帽子在公园里面参加派对。

5.Getting into the spirit of things and, perhaps, in a bid to aid national rapprochement, he gamely donned a pink turban (see photo below).或许是感染到当地的气氛,抑或是试图帮助改善两国关系,他勇敢地扎上一根粉红色的头巾。

6.I persuaded a colleague to go and we gamely took the Tube to Arsenal station with absolutely no idea whether there would be tickets.我说服了一位同僚同去,因为完全无法确定是否还有车票出售,只得勇敢的搭乘地铁去阿森纳。

7.Though Theresa May, the home secretary, gamely insists that the new system should cost no more than the old one, others are less sanguine.虽然内政大臣特里萨•梅伊坚称新的警察体制不会比旧体制的花销大,但其他人并不像她那么乐观。

8.CEA is gamely talking up the prospects of enhanced profitability with SIA on board.东航还在执着地谈论新航入股后盈利能力将有所提高的前景。

9.Even though some villagers were hit by American shrapnel, one gamely told an Associated Press reporter that he bore no grudges.尽管美军弹片误伤部分村民,其中一人仍兴冲冲地告诉美联社记者说,自己毫无怨言。

10.Roddick fought back gamely, ripping the backhand like he's never done before and forced the fifth.罗迪克又顽强地战回来。凶狠地反手像是比赛刚开打,他并不希望打到第五盘。
